Jeanne-ology: Bear With Me.

Well, honestly I totally forgot about Jeanne’s Thursday blog post because I was so focused on our National Pie Day celebration today. So, I was pleasantly surprised when she texted me tonight to tell me she sent the blog post over to catch everyone up on her trip to Atlanta. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers!  It has been a few weeks since I last posted.  Last Thursday I was in Atlanta with Rebecca and my granddaughter for Atlanta Mart.  Rebecca and her family (and also Team PJP) did not think I would actually go!  My husband didn't want me to go and to be honest, the closer the time to leave came, the more I wanted to back out.  I was worried about my energy level to shop.  I was worried about leaving the shop.  I was worried about leaving my husband for a few days.  Then I realized that all these excuses were because I was afraid of change.  That is why I decided to go.  If I didn't, I would forever be in a comfortable rut.  That’s the very thing I am always telling Rebecca not to do! (Rebecca editing to add: This is all true. Even early on the morning we left for the airport, I expected her to change her mind.)

Upon arriving (and taking the Atlanta version of the subway!) and after checking into our hotel, we went to the mart to register.  I was excited and really didn't know what to expect. We shopped after registration and I suddenly became overwhelmed with one store after another.  (Rebecca editing to add: She even made friends on the subway - two totally normal people from a gift shop in Indiana. She also gave some side eye to some very high and/or drunk people on the train and I worried we were doomed.)

Friday we arose early and started by nine am to start viewing the various products that might be of interest for our shop.  Every floor was enticing.  By the afternoon, I was overwhelmed with everything we had seen.  Rebecca and my granddaughter knew exactly where they wanted to go, who to see, and what floor they were on.  I found myself trailing behind them trying to catch up.  I think they both became a little exasperated with me! (Rebecca editing to add: I wasn’t exasperated because she has always been a terribly slow shopper. I’m generally way more decisive than she is when it comes to this sort of activity, but she’s always way more interesting.)

Every morning I awoke early, between 4 am and 4:30 am.  I would go to the lobby and wait for Starbucks to open.  I would finally get coffee and go back to the room.  They would still be asleep!  They fussed when I woke them up, but they were also glad I had brought them coffee.  Saturday was a hard day for me and I could not keep up with them.  I finally went back to our room around 2pm.  Maid service had not come and I laid down for a rest.  No sooner was I asleep that I heard a knock on the door from room service.  I directed her to make the bed I wasn't in and restock the towels and coffee.  They worked around me. I was too tired to care! (Rebecca editing to add: This SLAYS me because it is so on brand for her.)  

Sunday was the best day for me because looking behind the scenes of the companies servicing the business owners was very intriguing.  My eyes were opened to  a new whole perspective.  It made me look at our shop in a new whole way. There are some ideas I would like to pursue.  Atlanta Mart was definitely was overwhelming, fun, and unbelievable. I have learned that the only way to get out of the rut is to push yourself up and out of the rut, painful or not. (Rebecca editing to add: Ok, July it is then! Also, here is a picture of her with a bear with a serving tray of peppermints, which seemed to make sense after shopping for nine hours.)
