Camera Ready.

Yesterday, I had an email conversation with a PBS representative about the inclusion of PJP in an episode about artists and creators. In short, a three person camera crew and host would come and spend the entire day with us as we just do PJP things and then all that footage would run in one nicely edited episode for the masses to watch. Jeanne and I are pretty excited of course, but I completely underestimated how amped Team PJP would be by this development. I don’t have a date just yet, but rest assured that I’ll be ordering at least five pairs of Spanx and have commenced a skincare regimen of serums and hydrators that is legendary. (Though, I am concerned about how to be myself because how can I bend to pick up ingredients to bake when I’m wedged in like a surfboard in all my restrictive undergarments?)

In less interesting news, here’s a few other things to discuss:

  1. I’ve been up a lot in the night, worrying mostly about things like more space for PJP and 1,250 pies for $5 Friday. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve been distracting my brain with episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.. Judge me all you want, but all their ridiculousness is completely relaxing.

  2. I’ve also been reading a book about maximizing the power of Instagram for your business. And nothing will make you feel more inept than reading the 72 step process towards curating your Insta feed. The book suggests you follow all the accounts that use your most common hashtags, but frankly I just can’t with all that content. So here’s my favorite accounts on Instagram you should follow: @thepopcast, @jamiebgolden, and @pleasehatethesethings. None of these have a darn thing to do with pie or entrepreneurship.

  3. But in the category of pies, we do have a Team PJP girl’s night planned for this Saturday. And by girl’s night, I mean that we are going to eat expensive cheese, drink mid-range wine, and wear pajama pants while we watch a movie yet to be determined. If you can believe it, there are one or two women on staff WHO HAVE NOT SEEN GREASE. OR GREASE 2. And this is a spicy take, but Grease 2 is my favorite. Please direct all your discord at this opinion directly to

  4. And not that we are excluding the men of PJP, but they just looked at us blankly when we suggested we eat cheese and watch musicals together in my living room.

  5. Finally, just when I’m certain I’ve seen it all at PJP Buttonwood, I felt eyes staring me down when I was working at the front counter in the shop yesterday all alone. When I looked up, I made direct eye contact with an enormous turkey. We just looked at each other for a moment and then I tried to get a selfie, but he wasn’t having it. Here is his retreat towards the Starbucks. I feel like he would order a Flat White, if he were a coffee drinking bird.
