Jeanne-ology: Goals

Hi There! I’m happy to report that Jeanne feels so much better that she is taking over the blog for a second Thursday in a row. And not a moment too soon because PJP was super busy today and I fear I’m all out of words. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday Readers!  Another week has passed and I feel better each day.  One reason I know that I am feeling better is because I am feeling restless and bored.  I waiver between thinking I am going to the pie shop and by the time I am dressed, I am exhausted!  I did manage to go into PJP yesterday, just because I missed seeing everyone and taking a baby step seemed the right thing to do.  I enjoyed my time but was ready to head back home.  (Rebecca editing to add: I advised against her plan to visit, but I do know that Team PJP was anxious to see her. I could tell she enjoyed her visit, but she also didn’t go back to see if anyone had bleached the sinks recently, so she’s still not 100%).

Next week, we have a huge jelly jar order to be filled.  I plan on being there as much as possible. (Rebecca editing to add: It’s 204 six packs of jars. That’s 1,224 jars. And 1,224 little forks. And 1,224 lid stickers. And I’m 1224% aware next week is going to be a lot of work.)

Rebecca gave me some great news today, but I will not mention it here.  I will let her make the announcement when the time is right.  I can say it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am excited.  I became so excited and motivated to get myself going. (Rebecca editing to add: That sounds very dramatic. It is an exciting development, but there is still a lot of details to sort out before anything is official.)

My husband has enjoyed me being home.  We do manage to have fun, play chess, and tell each other corny jokes.  I love puns and the goal is who can come up with the best one.  We seem to have no trouble in entertaining each other. (Rebecca editing to add: I will 100% attest to the veracity of this description of their days together.)

Rebecca and my granddaughter keep me up to date with the pie shops daily activity.  Thank goodness, so much seems to happen each day and they make me a part of it.  My granddaughter re-organized the storage room today and I cannot wait to see the improvement.  Getting back to work will be like starting a new job and getting back into the swing of things.  (Rebecca editing to add: One day at PJP is like seven years in a dog’s life. Time flies by, but there are about 1,000 interesting things that happen.)

Really not much more to say, other than I can tell you the sides of each political issue that is in the news.  My husband leaves the news channel on all day.  At times, I put the remote on mute.  That gets his attention really fast.  He doesn't like silence like I do.  He may like having me home, but when I return to work, he can turn the volume up and listen to all the news he wants.  He will not feel slighted and my ears will keep from ringing. (Rebecca editing to add: GOALS.)

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