Hi There...

Well, by now, you’ve probably noticed that we have been radio silent for the last two weeks. And that is out of the norm for for us, definitely. So here’s the thing…we actually aren’t in Columbia right now. And because of the strict requirements surrounding our project, we can’t tell you where we are or when we will be back. But we can tell you that all will be revealed soon and it is going to be AHHHHHMMMMAAAZING. So rest assured the silence isn’t permanent, we promise.

As you might guess, not being at PJP for almost two weeks has been a completely odd experience. And if you are keeping track, then you likely know that we have a huge announcement to make on our 7th anniversary on Saturday. So behind the scenes, we are working on TWO very large projects - one ripe for discussion this weekend and one that will have to wait just a bit (though hopefully not terribly long).

So, I know you likely have a million questions and I have few answers I can give - but here’s a start:

  1. Who Is Taking Care of PJP? We are excited to announce that my husband, Behind-The-Scenes Jason, has joined PJP full-time. The timing of his decision to be a part of #worldpiedomination had fortuitous timing for us, as his joining us meant that working on this off-location secret project was a viable option for us both.

  2. Wow. I know, right? If you would have told me seven years ago this week that Jason would be at PJP and we would be working on all these things, I wouldn’t have believed you. (And honestly, I am thrilled to see Jason thrive in an entrepreneurial environment. And as we reveal some things to you, this will all make perfect sense.)

  3. Who is Taking Care of Your Family? Behind-the-Scenes Jason.

  4. Wow. I know, right? Let’s just say I’m confident he will never want me to leave again after he has been a full-time entrepreneur and a full-time single-ish parent. I’m certain that if our dog had opposable thumbs, he would have called me by now to say that he missed me and our regular routine. All that said, I’m so proud that Jason and our kids (and our dog) have pitched in and rolled with this crazy past few weeks. I’m exceptionally lucky.

  5. How’s Jeanne? Completely fine. She normally isn’t keen on the disruption of her routine, but she’s handling it well. Of all the adventures we have taken together, this one will always be my favorite.

  6. Do You Miss PJP? Very, very, very much.

  7. What Can We Expect for Saturday’s Announcement? It’s super exciting. We can’t wait.

  8. Can You Tell Us Anything Else? Sadly not. Except we miss you. And maybe stop by and check on Jason and see how it is going.

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