Holy Smokes

HOLY SMOKES, you all have A LOT of questions about our month in Los Angeles filming Crime Scene Kitchen. I’ll compile a list of the most popular questions and answer them all tomorrow, but in the meantime…the short answer is that no, we don’t feel “famous” by any stretch of imagination. A few Saturday morning 2:30 am start times will knock any delusions of grandeur right out of even the most self-focused person.

So, in the interim of our next television discussion, here’s what else has happened at PJP Nifong lately:

  1. We have been EXCEPTIONALLY busy as of late, for which we are always thankful. That 2:30 am start time was no joke. Last Saturday morning, I was at a stoplight going to PJP next to a carload of people clearly heading home from a night out. They were going home…and I was going to bake. I promise you that absolutely nothing in this world will make you feel older and more tired than idling next to a Jeep full of college kids who just closed down the bars.

  2. Though, I 100% enjoyed working at PJP alone while listening to podcasts and I accomplished a tremendous amount before the sun was up and Team PJP arrived. If you want to know what entrepreneurial maturity looks like, please know that it means going to work at 2:30 for peace, quiet, and productivity. It took me a hot second to realize that choosing to go in early versus forcing myself to go in early is a gift.

  3. We shipped out Jelly Jar pies and tarts to destinations all across America today, including some of our new friends in the Los Angeles area. Some days shipping goes smoothly and all the packages are out the door by noon. Today wasn’t that day.

  4. And over the weekend, I stopped by PJP West End to check on the progress. All of the dressing rooms and shelving and things that made the space still look like the Gap Outlet had been removed, but most of us are still waiting for the city’s approval on our building plans. Lord have mercy on that process.

  5. Like every other business in America, we’ve struggled to fill open positions as we start to think about staffing and training staff for PJP West End. Of eleven scheduled interviews last week, only one showed up. I hope no one reads about the 2:30 am part above, or I’m guessing the next round of interviews will have zero people actually show up…

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