Little Full. Lotta Sap.

Over the last 48 hours, we’ve taken a deep dive into the most fun, spectacularly special, and overly top secret project at PJP. And because I signed all of my rights under a strict non-disclosure agreement, we can’t even talk about it here…which is going to slay me. Seriously. Rest assured, when we get the green light to discuss, I’ll never shut up about it.

So, it feels like we’ve lived 10 days worth of activity in just the past three or so…and I guess that’s par for the course in November, special projects or not. Here’s some updates not covered by legal binding documents:

  1. Our front door has been broken for a solid 10 months, requiring the very glamorous use of packing tape during the day to hold the bar in the open position. (And it really is as ridiculous as it sounds and I suppose a less distracted person would have repaired it right away.). It took the panic of our special project to accept that a packing tape front door is a sub-par first impression. Finally last week, we had it fixed. Unsurprisingly, it’s a 100% improvement.

  2. We also decided to do a seriously deep clean, including removing all the vents from the ceiling and cleaning them. And the scariest part of this story is that Jeanne wasn’t even there when I decided we should do that.

  3. We’ve started decorating for Christmas. It seems early to do so, but we caved to the retail peer pressure, as all the other stores are well into the Christmas spirit. And since 2020 is completely bizarre and unpredictable, do timelines even matter these days?

  4. I did steal a moment during all my time at PJP this weekend to take a quick Thanksgiving count. We are at 670 orders, which is significantly ahead of this time last year.

  5. And finally, we’ve decided we are going to purchase an entire pallet of sugar because the pricing is a much better bargain. If you are curious, and I would be, a pallet of sugar is fifty-five 50 pound bags. We still. need to figure out where we are going to store the bags before the pallet arrives on Monday, but we don’t doubt we will use it all before Christmas. Financial savings aside, I just want to mark off “purchase 2,750 pounds of sugar at one time” off my bucket list.
