Jeanne-ology: Make Good Choices

It’s Thursday and we have been working very hard this week, so I wondered if Jeanne would decide to blog. Thankfully for you - and me - she did! I don’t even think she was grouchy about it. Enjoy - Rebecca


Hello Thursday Readers!  Another week has passed and October is upon us.  This afternoon I turned on the heat. With lower temperatures coming, I dread the cold weather.  It seems summer passed too quickly.  This year has been so strange with all the crazy things happening and the weather is no different. (Rebecca editing to add: I feel like the only thing missing in 2020 is a freak ice storm or a blizzard that isn’t forecasted. Nothing would surprise me at this point.)

We have been short of staff this week and I have not taken a day off.  I am exhausted and I don't know how Rebecca works the many long hours at the shop.  She is the first one to arrive and doesn't leave until after 5pm.  By this time of the week, I am stabby and she looks tired.  Entrepreneurship just works that way.  When you love what you do, you have to make sacrifices. (Rebecca editing to add: We’ve been fortunate to not have any employees test positive for COVID, but we are struggling with employees out for 14 days because of potential exposure from a close contact. Obviously, there is no other choice and we support the need to do so, but it makes scheduling and coverage a struggle that we aren’t used to because we’ve never staffed a pie shop in a pandemic before. Now we know.)

Our Thanksgiving pie list has been announced.  We are planning as much as possible to make it a smooth event. Making a lot of pies and coordinating the days and pick up times are crucial.  We sure don't want any bumps, so Rebecca and I go over every detail. (Rebecca editing to add: We received 27 orders in the first hour after releasing the order form. We can’t say it enough…order early. You can always cancel your order, but you can’t add in after orders close in mid-November.)

Our employees are on full alert, don't get sick, don't fall and hurt yourself, and stay safe.  I hope the staff listens to this advice. (Rebecca editing to add: Basically, every day I scream “MAKE GOOD CHOICES” at every person in our space when they leave for the day.)

I plan to get a flu shot this coming week, mainly to have Rebecca from nagging so much about it. (Rebecca editing to add: Why does she have to be so difficult that way?)

On a lighter note, my grandson turned eighteen this week.  His birthday celebration was so much fun.  I couldn't help but think about the day he was born.  So much as changed in eighteen years!  I helped take care of him when he was baby.  One of my happiest times.  Now he is a young man and he still makes me happy.  Both my grandchildren are great kids with great values. They are trustworthy, kind, polite, and funny.  They both work at the pie shop and are a great asset.  I know PJP is in good hands under the tutorship of Rebecca pioneering the future, incorporating the grandchildren to learn entrepreneurship and propel PJP forward.  I am blessed. (Rebecca editing to add: I almost had to take to my bed because my son’s 18th birthday pulled at all my heartstrings. Except we were so short staffed, I made a lot of pie instead and because people don’t like baking and crying, it helped distract me. He’s a true delight and a PJP dough master. We couldn’t be more proud.)