Netflix Original

It has been non-stop activity at both PJP Buttonwood AND PJP Nifong over the past few days, leaving us with many items to discuss. Here we go:

  1. Last week, the construction crew removed our iron garden gate out of PJP Buttonwood and into PJP Nifong. Will you judge me if I tell you that I cried a little bit as they carried it out? That gate was one of the very first things purchased for PJP and one of the very first things to go into the storefront that felt like a true reflection of Jeanne and I. I’m happy that it lives on in the new store, but our current store feels a little less without it.

  2. Our current space has been leased out to another tenant (and I won’t share here because I have no idea if that person is ready to take the news public). At any rate, I have mixed emotions because I’m certain I’ve left part of my soul inside that space and it won’t be long before there are legions of people who never knew our story inside PJP Buttonwood. Melodramatic, Party of One.

  3. I logged on today to file a change of address form with the United States Postal Service and their website says that 3601 Buttonwood, Suite E doesn’t even exist. And if this were a Netflix Original, this is where we would realize that the past five years have only existed in our collective imaginations. It would star Kathy Bates as Jeanne and Sandra Bullock as me (except that we don’t look anything alike but I bet she is a delight in real life).

  4. In other mundane tasks, today I had our fire extinguishers installed and participated in a lengthy discussion about the dumpster we currently have and the dumpster we will have in our new location. The whole thing was approximately 24 more minutes of dumpster discussion than I ever wanted or needed. And I’m still unclear about why we can’t just roll our dumpster from one location to the other, especially since our name is already spray painted on the dumpster. But what do I know about solid waste? NOTHING.

  5. And finally, I fear that I am suffering from Decision Fatigue. I’ve been staring at a shopping cart on a wholesale merchandising site for two days because I can’t commit, which is completely not normal for me. Every person who encounters me has a question for me, except for my Starbucks app - it just remembers my venti cold brew as a favorite until I click “order.” So what I’m saying is that if you want a decision from this week, bring me coffee.
