Nice. But Hectic.
We just arrived home late last night from a whirlwind few days in Las Vegas. (And by we, I mean Jason, the kids, and me. As you might guess, there isn’t enough money in the world to convince Jeanne to leave her house and fly to Las Vegas, walk a lot, and stay out late for a number of days.)
We generally go each fall as a bit of a reset before Thanksgiving. And call us cliche, but generally we really enjoy ourselves in the most non-agenda, do whatever we want sort of way and these past few days were no exception. Though in full disclosure, just a few minutes before the picture at the bottom of this post was taken, we all yelled at each other about the fastest way to get to the Park MGM. Sounds right.
On the flight home though, we kept getting routed around Kansas City to avoid the thunderstorms in the late afternoon and it made our flight almost an hour longer than we planned. And at some point between the long fight time, the landing, the waiting a sweet forever for someone to open the plane door, everyone to get their dumb carry-on bags and SLOWLY deplane, I started to panic about absolutely everything you can imagine. It presented itself as a raging case of claustrophobia but was probably more just that I’ve been focused on being gone for this trip and now I’m focused on Thanksgiving. Good times.
Here’s what happened this week:
Team PJP did great without us. Honestly, I don’t know why I hover incessantly since they do fine without me. (Well, I do know. It’s because I’m controlling. That’s a whole separate blog entry.)
A former Team PJP team member left us a review on our Indeed page. They said we were really nice people but things were hectic around the holidays and we should figure out how to streamline it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. I don’t know who left that, but rest assured that I am open to all suggestions on streamlining the process of making a few thousand pies in the course of a few days.
I’m not even terribly aggrieved by that review because it’s the truth. At least they said we were nice.
I’m going to leave a review somewhere for someone because a case of eggs - 15 dozen - is now over $50 and that could be the highest price I can recall. But I wouldn’t know where to leave it because everyone blames everyone else and here we are.
Jason and I spent at least 45 minutes this evening discussing the Christmas pie order form. As a rule, I will ignore Christmas until after Thanksgiving and as a rule, he will be working a month ahead to build the order forms. He read off last year’s Christmas list and I didn’t even remember making Egg Nog pie but apparently we did and we made a lot of them. So I’m losing my mind, I guess. Though, I bet Egg Nog is cheaper than eggs currently…