To Say The Least...

Here’s something surprising for you: our top seller both yesterday and today has been Chicken Pot Pie - still so surprising to me when it is surface-of-the-sun hot by noon. But since extreme heat usually slows our sales a bit, I will happily stock all the pot pie possible.

Here’s what is coming up at PJP:

  1. Jason was working on staffing today and gave me a spreadsheet entitled “Position Control”, which I immediately read as “Poison Control” and thought, well, this could be interesting. Clearly, two different things. Also, I’m not good at spreadsheets.

  2. Our daughter and I are headed to Dallas Market late next week. Both Jeanne and Jason have opted out, citing market as the “worst shopping days ever”. They are some of our favorite days of the year though, so we can’t wait to shop for fall and holiday for both stores.

  3. And then we are using our long holiday weekend to paint the yellow walls at PJP Nifong to match PJP West. We’ve wanted to do this since choosing the colors for West, but it is an undertaking of a project. Since we are closed on the 4th and 5th of July, the time is right to make a big mess.

  4. Though, a lot of people are disappointed that we aren’t open on Monday, July 4th. It sounds so reasonable, but I’m certain we would hate ourselves that Monday morning. And that our staff would hate us that morning, since we traditionally always close those two days for a mid-summer break.

  5. And the next week, we take our annual family vacation…something we wondered would even be possible with two stores. We are completely confident in the talents of Team PJP though and that’s the best gift we can ask for. This year Jeanne is going with us, which means we will all be in a car for 13 hours each direction. I’m certain that will be interesting, TO SAY THE VERY LEAST. Perhaps I should ask for a “Panic Control” spreadsheet…