That's A Wrap...I'm Spent...

While I don't normally blog on Sundays, we had too much excitement around here this afternoon to not share it with you.  We've been working with Elizabeth Brown from The Missourian ( for a week or so on a feature about Peggy Jean's that will run in this Tuesday's edition of the paper.  Elizabeth is a journalism student and could not be any sweeter. She read the blog, asked a lot of questions via e-mail, and then she met us in person to see our proposed location.  Long story short, we love her. Elizabeth emailed me on Thursday and asked if her photographers could come to my house on Sunday afternoon and photograph us baking in my kitchen.  Cut to my immediate first thought:

My second thought?  Holy cleaning week!  This is the second time this week that people with cameras have been to my house.  I've seriously almost burned through an entire container of those special wipes for stainless steel appliances and sighed at someone in my house who left sticky fingerprints on the refrigerator handle.

Still smelling slightly of panic and Clorox cleaning spray, I opened my front door this afternoon at 3 pm to find Josh Boucher from The Missourian standing there with a huge camera.  In the name of keeping this real, I must admit that we were nervous!  No one has ever stood in my kitchen with a camera that probably costs more than my mortgage payment and photographed me doing anything.  Actually, I've never willing participated in a photoshoot that didn't involve me standing completely still and sucking in until I almost pass out from lack of oxygen.  So the whole "make a pie and look natural!" thing?  Huh.

We went with it though.  The longer we went on in our pie-making, the easier it got.  An hour into it, I was ready to bust out my favorite tunes and demand an industrial sized fan be rolled in so that my hair would appear Beyonce-fabulous in all the shots.  Alas, Josh kept us on target:

No joke when I say that Josh took HUNDREDS of pictures.  He even took a few "portrait" shots and a few stray pics of my kids and our dog.  It was seriously two of the most fun hours I've had in the last few weeks. Check us out in the print edition of The Missourian on Tuesday and I'll be sure to link to the online edition as soon as it is available.

Josh proclaimed us a highly entertaining duo and this brings me to the next point - our baking class with Inside Columbia at the Culinary Adventure Center.  We are so darn excited for Wednesday!  As of this afternoon, we have 33 super awesome pie-baking enthusiasts who plan to hang out with us and roll some dough on Wednesday evening at 6:30.  Learn to make your very own pie AND also eat as much Peggy Jean's pie as you can handle in one sitting.  The catch?  You just have to register.  So go here: and do it!  Don't let this be you on Wednesday night:

The proceeds of each ticket go to our Kickstarter campaign, so any purchase pretty much ensures that we love you forever.  Read more about our Kickstarter campaign here:

And while you are getting all sorts of business done on the Internet, be sure to pop over to Facebook and like us ( AND follow us on Twitter - @PeggyJeansPies.  You really can't escape us.