You Will Really Want To Read This....

So, remember when Oprah gave away a car to every member of her audience and she screamed in her perfect Oprah voice "YOU GET A CAR!  YOU GET A CAR!  YOU GET A CAR!" and everyone freaked out?  Oh, I so wish we could give everyone of you a car this morning because you totally deserve it for reading our blog and liking us on Facebook and baking with us and sending us all your warm and fuzzy good vibes for a pre-Thanksgiving opening.  And oh, that little project called Kickstarter...100% impossible without you. Kickstarter closes Monday, November 4th at 7:01 am.  We originally requested $10,000 and Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing game, so in short, we need to raise $1970 in the next five days.  That's $394 a day.  Or roughly $1.03 per hour (I yesterday's blog post for a quick recap of my math skills assessment).

What to do?  Well, we know that we are motivated by cool free stuff.  And we figure that if it works for us, then maybe it would work for those who have been considering a pledge but haven't committed yet.

Here is the deal.  See this:

Doesn't this make you want to squeal with "OHMYGOSH, that is the cutest apron!"???  It is from CreativeChics in Kansas City, Kansas and this image is from their Etsy shop:  I love how even the URL references how darn cute this apron is.
If you want a chance to own this, then make a Kickstarter pledge today.  We will take all pledges today - from $1 to the whole $1970 - made until midnight CST and enter you into a random drawing.  Someone will have this adorable item shipped directly to their doorstep and they will be looking FABULOUS when pulling the turkey out of the oven on November 28th.  And for our male friends, we will substitute an equally awesome but super manly apron or you can give this to your wife, your girlfriend, your mother, or whomever for Christmas and you look like a super thoughtful and fashionable gift giver.
What:  Pledge to Kickstarter any amount from $1 to $1,000,000
When: Now until midnight CST.  Do it now though before your day gets crazy.
Why: Um, because you love us and because this apron is downright adorable
Disclaimer: CreativeChics doesn't know us.  They have never eaten our pie (that we are aware of).  They didn't contact us and offer to donate an apron.  I've never even talked to them.  I just like Etsy.  And this apron.  It could be yours.  Wouldn't you look super retro-ish fabulous in this?