This Is My Pot Pie...
You've likely gathered by now that Jeanne and I are fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants sort of women. We've been talking about adding savory pies to our menu for some time now and when last Friday proved to be chilly and rainy and the perfect harbinger of the autumn season to come, we looked at each other and said "hey, want to start pot pies today?" A quick post to Facebook and Twitter alerting our fans and followers to savory pie availability and our phone started ringing. (I started to say that our phone was ringing off the hook but then I realized phones don't have hooks any longer and now how are we supposed to express demand to kids who only know the world of buttons on the iPhone 5?) To make it easy, I'll just tell you that we sold 61 chicken pot pies in less than an hour. Honestly, we likely could have sold another 40 based on the phone calls that kept coming except that we had no more ingredients to make more and a baking schedule for sweet pies that demanded our attention.
We received a lot of positive comments from customers about the availability of pot pie. We offered them baked and unbaked because we honestly didn't know what customers would prefer. (If you are curious, it was almost even between the baked vs. unbaked requests.) And we got a lot of Facebook messages, emails, and phone calls about what the plan will be for pot pies.
And, uh.....
The problem with deciding to add a new product onto your menu based on a whim and some chilly weather is that when people ask you what the plan is for future pot pie availability, you realize that you don't have a plan. And so I made a note called "make a pot pie plan" on my Evernote app, vowing to discuss it with Jeanne over the weekend. (I would guess this is not how it started for Colonel Sanders at the Kentucky Fried Chicken, by the way.)
And after seven minutes of intense thought and discussion earlier this evening, here is the plan...pot pie will be available on Thursdays and Fridays. You must call to pre-order and indicate if you would like your pot pies to be baked or unbaked. And just like that, with a simple phone call, you have dinner lunch or dinner planned. Maybe this whole idea didn't need months of planning, because I'm sorry, but who doesn't like a freshly made pot pie? Order extra so you don't have to share...