A Blog-O-Versary...
Thursday will mark the one-year anniversary (blog-o-versary) of the PJP blog...which is actually pretty impressive because if you know me, then you know that I'm really good at being about something until I'm really good at being about something else. But here is the honest truth, I love the blog. Not because I feel like anything I share here is any better than the million other things you can read on the Internet, but because I'm documenting the PJP story...the good, the bad, the ridiculous, the hilarious, the annoying, and all the other. And when world pie domination finally happens, I'll be happy to read back through the journey. The blog started out of a bit of bravado...a bit of "oh, I'm a lawyer and Jeanne has done this all before, so how hard could it really be to start a business and wouldn't it be fun to blog about it too??" And remember Peg's illness (and subsequent passing) wasn't really publicly discussed in PJP V. 1.0, so I wanted the effort to create PJP V. 2.0 to be a transparent process. Baking pies is messy. Working with your mother is messy. Figuring out how to run a business? Even messier.
Also, I wanted to see what I could learn along the way (spoiler alert - uhhhh...we learn a lot). You can walk into any bookstore and find a whole section of books that will tell you starting a business is easy if you just follow the author's advice. Or if you watch infomercials, you've probably noticed that you can pay only $99.99 plus shipping and handling for a DVD set with all the answers to starting a business. And hurry, because operators are standing by and the offer won't last. But where is the true story about building a business in the world we live in today? (Did anyone else just hear the intro to MTV's Real World in their head? Let's all be happy we aren't seven strangers picked to live in a house to see what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.)
And all this is to say the blog has really become my very favorite thing about this whole PJP show (except all of my new customer/friends and when Jeanne makes me laugh so hard that I have to sit down on the floor at PJP Buttonwood). And believe it or not, the blog turns ONE on Thursday. ONE. And since we can't buy a smash cake for a blog or toast it with champagne, we need to celebrate the blog-o-versary in some meaningful way, right? Because if we have discovered anything over the past 211 posts, it is that I'm a fan of a milestone.
So, I thought, why don't the readers take over the blog for the day? Any questions you have unanswered? Anything you want to know more about? Any topic you wish we explored more in-depth? Leave a comment here or send an email to rebecca@pjpies.com and let us know. Facebook posts and Tweets are totally fine as well. We will compile and address them all in Thursday's post...