A List. Even Though It Is Late.

Look, I don't know if you realize this, but Thanksgiving is only THREE WEEKS AWAY. downey

In effort not to panic about the next 21 days, here is a whole list of unrelated, yet mildly interesting things...

  1. We spent a good portion of our day planning for this weekend's Holiday Festival.  (This is The Festival Formerly Known As King's Daughters, which is much like The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.  And I think we can all agree that Purple Rain still holds up after all these years.)
  2. We will be selling tarts, jelly jar pies, and baby pies.  And taking Thanksgiving orders.  And drinking white wine on the sly.
  3. Seriously though, Jeanne and I are discerning festival shoppers and we feel this vendor list is legit.  Our entire staffing schedule for the weekend is based on who is shopping when.  Because priorities.
  4. Even the anxiety of planning for three days of festival and Thanksgiving breathing hot on our necks couldn't budge Jeanne's cleaning schedule.  She asked Gunnar and Mitch to clean the tops of the ovens and refrigerator and well, who needs a ladder anyway?IMG_5300
  5. Thankfully she didn't ask them to clean the light fixtures as well.
  6. In the midst of all this, we activated our account on OrderUp today.  So in short, if you are at home in your yoga pants and you are binge watching Netflix and thinking about pie, OrderUp will bring it to your front door.
  7. Speaking of Netflix, Jeanne is on a break from Gunsmoke and is watching Hell On Wheels.  I'm tempted to get her a Roku or other streaming device for Christmas, but if she could watch Netflix on her television instead of her computer we might not see her until mid-way through 2016.
  8. We welcomed a new employee today.  Her name is Heather and we weren't even on our best behavior for her...rather, we just acted like ourselves and she still wants to come back and work again on Saturday.  Sweet.
  9. I just realized this post is going up very late.  Our website, blog access, and email have struggled all night because the hosting company was doing "maintenance".  I was a little fussy and they suggested I send my feedback via email.  And the best irony is that I couldn't even access my email.  Because their service was down.  Well played, hosting company.
  10. Our super good friend Aaron Ottis spent a day photographing every pie we make and then created the most beautiful hardcover book you've ever seen.  My iPhone pics can't do it justice, so I won't post them here and make the book less than what it is in real life.  Think a coffee table book of PJP.  We can use it to show customers what different pies look like, or just carry it around when we need to feel legit.  We will take it to our booth this weekend and odds are that if you stop by to see us and stand still for 1.2 seconds, we will be shoving it in your hands to look at it because really, it is completely awesome.