Speaking Of...
Here's what we would have done differently for Thanksgiving 2k15:
- While we liked that we narrowed down our pie selections for Wednesday pickup, there were a few on the list that we would wouldn't have included. Needing to consult the PJP V. 1.0 recipe book at 4 am on Wednesday made me question our decision-making process.
- And speaking of 4 am on Wednesday, we wish that we wouldn't have gone to McDonald's at 3 am for an extra large Diet Coke. Driving across Nifong and sitting in the drive-thru is the perfect amount of sitting time to make us doubt our ability to get up and bake more.
- And speaking of Diet Coke in the middle of the night, we needed twice daily Starbucks trips to power through the mornings and afternoons.
- And speaking of Starbucks, we wish that they delivered a venti mocha and a venti vanilla iced coffee with six Splendas to us at 8 am and 4 pm, to guarantee maximum efficiency from our caffeine abuse.
- And speaking of Splenda, we wish we would have made more sugar-free and gluten-free pies for all the extra demand at pie pickup.
- And speaking of extra pie, we wish we could have made more...especially as the wait list grew throughout the day.
- And speaking of the wait list, we wish we could always make people as happy as those who got a call that we had extras.
- And speaking of happy, making everyone happy all of the time feels like a struggle.
- And speaking of struggle, the struggle is well...the struggle is real.
- And speaking of real, we worked so hard to make this year a different experience from last year. And we are super happy it is over and now just a part of the bigger PJP story.