A List for A Tuesday...

Because Tuesdays are great for a list...

  1. If either Jeanne or I win the billion dollar Powerball tomorrow, please know that our only plans are to buy out our lease from Silent Stan.  And then I'll load the remaining 45 bucks on our Starbucks card.
  2. But in news of things with better odds, we are BEYOND HONORED to be finalists in two categories in Inside Columbia's Best of Columbia 2016 contest - Best Dessert and also Entrepreneur of the Year.  This contest is based on nominations from the public, so that someone out there read "Entrepreneur of the Year" and thought, "huh...Rebecca and Jeanne have got it GOING ON and I'm totally nominating them" is all the prize that I need.
  3. You can vote daily through January 30th.  There is some stellar competition in each category, so I'm serious when I say...it is an honor just to be nominated.  rdj_thanks
  4. And when we aren't dreaming about accepting major awards, we are preparing for the Bacon and Bourbon Festival on Saturday, January 23rd.  I don't know what else you need to know, but BACON AND BOURBON.  We will be taking 700 samples of Chocolate Bourbon Pecan pie (and plenty of bigger pies to sell)...that is, if we can convince ourselves to stay in our booth and not eat and drink our afternoon away.
  5. And finally, this.  We like how you think, Hobby Lobby...FullSizeRender-69