By The Numbers...

By the numbers...

  • Number of stickers printed today:  0 (ugh)
  • Number of swear words used while working on stickers:  81 (at least)
  • Number of plane tickets purchased to Las Vegas for the Baking Convention:  2 (obviously)
  • Number of antics anticipated in our 4 day/3 night trip:  178 (or more)
  • Number of times we have left PJP for two days and gone to another state:  0 (no joke)
  • Number of employees we will require to work those two days:  6 (all of them, yo)
  • Number of 12-inch pie boxes ordered from Amazon:  200 (prepared, no?)
  • Number of boxes that showed up when UPS texted they had been delivered:  0 (what?)
  • Number of times we've felt unsure about certain things in the past week:  77 (trust me)
  • Number of times we just pushed forward anyway:  77 (winning)