Baker's Belt.

Well, if you know Jeanne at all, you'll know that we spend at least 18% of our day at PJP looking for her misplaced phone, glasses, black Sharpie marker, highlighter, and more.  In fact, we've trained each employee that when Jeanne yells "where are my glasses?!?!?!", we all must drop what we are doing and begin to earnestly search for them (almost always finding them somewhere random, like she had a thought and took off her glasses and moved forward on the original thought and left the glasses behind just lingering about.) On a whim last Wednesday afternoon, I purchased a fancy-ish suede utility belt from Orscheln's and then stopped by JoAnn's for a few yards of bedazzled ribbon and a healthy bottle full of tacky glue.  And then while I was interviewed at PJP by a steady succession of journalism students for their first big project of the fall semester, my daughter channelled her Jeanne inspired crafting skills and blinged up that utility belt like her life depended on it.  (As a side note, one of our favorite kids in the journalism school that comes to see us a lot actually had to interview me in the bathroom to avoid background noise.  It is completely odd to stand in a 4x5 bathroom and have a recorded conversation with someone you only marginally know.  But worth it I suppose if he ends up on Good Morning America one day and gives me a shout out).

After we covered the belt in Jeanne appropriate rhinestones, we set to filling the belt with all the things she needs on the regular.  I sent Mac, Mitch, and Gunnar a group text for ideas and immediately three texts from various points in the United States returned and all said:  "RAZOR BLADES.  SO MANY RAZOR BLADES".  Jeanne swears the single best cleaning tool available on the market is a pack of razor blades.  If you would basically like an infomercial presentation on her justifications for her beliefs, feel free to stop her at the store and ask.

Beyond that, we got her a new pack of Sharpies, a fresh yellow highlighter, a pair of reading glasses and labeled a pocket for her phone.  And when we presented it to her at home, we hung a wine glass from the hook that is presumably for a hammer...or a dry dish towel in her case during the day.  And because my child has better Cricut skills than I do, she monogrammed the front pocket.  You know, to keep it classy and all.

All of this resulted in my favorite picture of Jeanne ever (featured with the optional whisk and spatula attachments)...


Once we conquer the world of pies, I'm thinking there is a Shark Tank segment just begging for retrofitted utility belts into baker's belts...right?