By The Numbers...
Last week felt like one of the more intense weeks we've had at PJP this entire year. For the most part, Jeanne and I pushed forth and then stumbled out of it all on Saturday afternoon in a daze. By the numbers:
- Parties hosted: Three. (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Daaaaaaaaang.)
- Guests who became PJP bakers for a night: 43. (They all promised to help at Thanksgiving.)
- Pies baked: 600-ish. (Tarts, jars, babies, nine-inch, 12-inch, and slab...whew.)
- Brides scheduled on calendar for upcoming nuptials: 8. (Pie is the new cake, yo.)
- Grocery bill: $1337.84. (OMG.)
- Extraneous trips to Hyvee: 11. (We never learn.)
- Furthest Jelly Jar shipping destination: 1,786 miles. (Carlsbad, California)
- UPS two day delivery charges to Carlsbad, California: $31.86. (I'm in the wrong business.)
- Wisdom teeth removed: One. (It still hurts a little.)
- Orders taken for Thanksgiving: Six. (Impressive.)