Trick or Treat Yo-Self.

Is it just me or does it just seem like it was July just yesterday?  Because here we are on the cusp of November and I CAN'T EVEN with pace of things lately.  Before this becomes the all-Thanksgiving show for the next few weeks, here are a few other things worth discussing...

  1. We have been all about the weddings lately, doing 14 in October alone.  (I'm pretty sure October is the new June and that is either because of global warming or Pinterest.  Or both.)  But whatever, because we've worked with all sorts of sweet couples and unique venues and had the best time over these last four weekends.  This is the RSVP card for a wedding we did on Friday.  LOVE.  #yesIheardtherespiefullsizerender1031
  2. Late in the afternoon on Friday, Mac was working on a final cherry pie.  We had cut lattice strips smaller than normal because we were working on tarts and he spent a good chunk of time working on a pie that could be his most beautiful lattice work EVER.  img_8608
  3. And speaking of employees, you might recall that one of our newer employees, Emily, is launching her floral business, Sugarberry Blooms.  We tasked her with taking us up a notch by adding fresh flowers each week on our front table.  She brought our first arrangement last week and it was SWOON WORTHY.  We are smitten kittens for her nature inspired take on floral design.  We are already super excited to see what she brings us this week.fullsizerender10312
  4. Every year about this time, there is a shortage of something integral to what we do.  Last year, it was pumpkin.  This year, it promises to be nine-inch pie tins.  The company that delivers to us purchased the last 17 cases available nationwide and I immediately put our name on six of those cases.  That means 3,000 pie tins will arrive at PJP Buttonwood on November 7th.  If not, we are all going to have to email the Penny Plate company individually until they get so sick of us that we get whatever they make just to be done with us.  In the meantime, this is all we have left.  But it makes an interesting picture, no?fullsizerender10313
  5. We played around last week with possible ideas to market pie & Halloween.  Emily worked on an adorable face for a pumpkin pie with a tagline homage to Parks & Rec, one of our favorite shows at PJP.  We just tried it out on a pumpkin baby off the 1/2 price table and then I never got around to doing it on a fresh out-of-the-oven pumpkin.  I can't let today go without sharing, so TRICK OR TREAT YO-SELF...fullsizerender10314