And finally, I write this post from HOME.  Jeanne was released from the hospital over the weekend and whew, WE ARE THANKFUL.

Thank you times 10,000 to the entire staff of the University Hospital, especially the ER team who quickly stabilized Jeanne and made some quick life saving decisions.  And to Dr. Sunna, who cared for her in the ICU (he even calls in from home at night just to check on everyone before they get settled for the night!).  And, he showed me pictures of the pulmonary emboli and talked to me like he had nowhere else in the world to be (my favorite was when he motioned me into the hallway to ask if I thought she was getting better, because he knew that I would be the best judge of her).  And good grief, from the nursing staff to the people delivering the meals to the housekeeping staff, everyone was so nice to us.  If you have to have a near death experience with someone you love and it ages you 10,000 years over the span of 10 days, well, you couldn't ask for a better staff of people to do it with.  Also, I think my feelings on the warm blankets are well documented.

And you all.  We couldn't have even made it through without you.  Thank you so much for all the comments, emails, texts, cards, hugs, and more over the past 10 days.  I will never doubt for a single second that everything you offered Jeanne through your prayers and well wishes and good thoughts made all the difference in the lowest of moments for her as she struggled to improvement.  And for me as I struggled to not ugly cry in the corner.

I read yesterday that Apple will be valued at an estimated one trillion dollars after the iPhone 8 is released.  (Which is sort of funny because one trillion seems like a nonsensical Dr. Evil selected number, right?).  But Apple can keep the trillion because the love and support Jeanne and I were shown over the past days is worth SO MUCH MORE.  We have a community and that is well, priceless.  Should we alert the NASDAQ?