Available for Download...

Last Monday, I had the honor of participating in the Half Hour Intern podcast with Blake Fletcher.  And since I'm a smitten kitten for the interviews Blake does each week about varying career paths, the whole experience was a lot of fun...and a little surreal.  And now, just a week later, that episode is available for download.  I haven't yet listened to it for fear that I'll judge the sound of my voice, my word choices, my antidotes, and if I talk too fast/slow/monotone/hyper.  But, both Blake's mom and all of my Inner Circle people are reporting back with rave reviews so I give all the credit to Blake and his interviewing skills in making me sound like I've got it together.  Blake, welcome to the PJP Inner Circle.

While I'm adjusting to being available for download, here are a few other items of note:

  1. Roots and Blues is only four days away, which really just means we have a tremendous amount of work to do by Friday at 4 pm.  And while Jason Isbell sadly isn't on the schedule this year, his wife, Amanda Shires, is slated to play on Sunday afternoon and I can't wait. I feel like if her bus is parked by our booth and Jeanne marches herself over there with a bag of tarts and tells her that I love her, Amanda will be like "oh yeah, Jason said this happened to him last year."
  2. Epic Pie Tasting was a rousing success last Thursday.  Among the crowd favorites...Cherry Crumb, Pecan Bacon, and Almond Joy.  Cherry Crumb is pretty self explanatory and something we get requests for quite often.  For the Pecan Bacon, we roasted two pounds of bacon in the oven and chopped it up.  Meanwhile, we made a pecan pie and baked it just long enough for it to set up and then covered it in bacon pieces and returned it to the oven.  And the Almond Joy is a chocolate cream pie with almond extract and coconut. Look for them all to start to drop into our menu over the next week or so.
  3. In full disclosure, about a pound of the bacon went to the pecan pie.  The other pound went to Team PJP.  We really couldn't help ourselves.
  4. We also made a Unicorn Pie, which was ridiculously beautiful but marginal in taste...which I believe was exactly the case with the Unicorn frappuccino at Starbucks earlier this year.  Except Starbucks sold out in record time because the desire to Instagram that beautiful, yet marginal tasting drink, was overwhelming.  I tried to explain this phenomena to Jeanne but she couldn't get past the whole "unicorns are a thing" part of the argument and she kept asking me why they are a thing.  And I so don't know the answer.
  5. And finally, our #WPD stickers have arrived.  I made a $50 gift card and put it in my car today so that the first time I see someone driving a car with a #WPD sticker on it and the driver isn't related to me by blood or marriage OR isn't someone I pay bi-weekly, I'm going to wave them down and give them the gift card.  So if you pick up one of the stickers and you put it on your car and then one day you see light blue Tahoe in need of a serious detail and wash following you and honking, I'm not crazy...I just have your gift card for you...