A Solid Way.

If you are relatively new around here, you might not know that I practiced law for 12 years prior to embarking on a quest for #WorldPieDomination.  And when I started law school in 1999 (gulp), I really gave zero thought to what I would do with my degree when I was finished.  I just knew that I was 100% down with spending three years learning to become a better researcher, a better writer, and a more logical thinker.  And, as a bonus, law school doesn't even require any math classes...so really it was a total win and a solid way to spend my mid-twenties.  An expensive solid way, but still... So today, it all felt full circle as I was invited back to Mizzou's law school to present to a group of interested students about what life looks like when you use your law degree to do something other than the traditional practice of law.  I even shared with them the story of how Behind-The-Scenes Jason's face completely drained of color and turned green when I suggested I quit my full-time job to bake pies with my mother.  (It's only funny because it's true, and it's especially funny if you know Jason in real life.)

But what I wanted to impress upon the listening audience more than anything at all is that I would have NEVER EVER considered a life as an entrepreneur when I was a 25 year old second year law student.  Which just goes to show you that a) I had absolutely no idea what I wanted for myself in my twenties, and b) there is some pressure to really excel in your field when you have an advanced degree in order to feel like pursuing the degree was "worth it" in some way.  Which is completely ridiculous, actually.  I don't have a second of regret for going to law school, though I certainly don't miss my former law career days either.  Which is just a long way of saying that for me, it all came together in the right way and in the right timing...and I couldn't be more thankful for it.

Ok, a few brief housekeeping items:

  1. I can tell that the anticipation for Pi(e) Day is growing as we get closer to the event.  Someone eyed my PJP shirt and stopped me at the grocery store today and asked me if we are doing any specials for 3.14.  Yep, $3.14 off everything.  So that makes it easy, right?
  2. We've opened ticket sales for the March Epic Pie Tasting and only have a few seats left.  If you are free at 6 pm on Wednesday, March 21st, call and reserve a seat.  We promise you'll have the best time.
  3. Our friends at New Haven Elementary are in a final push to win a complete and total playground makeover (and you know I love a good renovations story).  They just need us all to vote daily through March 16th.  Like law degrees, playgrounds are ridiculously expensive...New Haven has had some of their playground equipment for TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS.  Gah.
  4. And you know what would be super handy?  If our schools were fully funded and we didn't have to rely on a probiotics company to award a new playground to a deserving school.
  5. Yep, see...that was the lawyer part of me stirring around.  Someone bring me a soapbox...