Not to break the Internet with this announcement or anything, but Behind-The-Scenes Jason has conceded that the vintage refrigerator from the shop DOES INDEED look pretty cute on our screened in porch at home. And I'm completely using this platform to declare all of my time wasted watching HGTV to be a solid win. Here is what else I know:
- By all accounts, Jeanne's Masterclass over the weekend was a rousing success. She enjoyed herself immensely and the feedback from the class participants was positive all around. Notably, she wouldn't let me stay for it and so I'm unsure what topics were covered besides lattice crust, the perfect meringue, and a guaranteed discussion of why a razor blade makes the best cleaning tool.
- Speaking of going off-topic, I just finished reading Educatedby Tara Westover and is one of the best memoirs I've ever read (and if you are curious, memoir is at the top of my favorite book genres). I rarely purchase hardcover, but once Jaime from The Popcast gave it the green light, I immediately ordered it. It is deep, disturbing, and thought provoking for sure and it does not disappoint. Go read it and then email me.
- Wednesday is Administrative Professionals Day. Studies show that 3 out of 4 office assistants like pie as an acknowledgement for all of their contributions. As Mitch (our first employee) always said, team work makes the dream work. Show your team how much you appreciate all they do for you by stopping by for baby pies...the perfect small, yet thoughtful, gift.
- Also, next week is National Small Business Week, National Pet Week, National Hospital Week, and Teacher Appreciation Week. Studies show that 3 out of 4 small business owners, pet owners, hospital workers, and teachers like pie as an acknowledgement for all of their contributions. Funny how that works out.
- And finally, if all goes according to our plans in the morning, we will start selling Reddi-Whip in our front coolers tomorrow. We make whipped topping from scratch each day for all of our cream pies, but often find that people ask for whipped cream for random pies (like American Apple) in the afternoons after we are done baking. We can't sell the homemade whipped topping because we don't add stabilizers to it and Reddi-Whip is the next best thing. We've been low-key thinking about it for the past two years, which sounds exactly like us, doesn't it? I was on a conference call today and the person said that she considered "irrepressible" to be an excellent descriptor of our brand, which sounds so much better than occasionally unfocused and perpetually late to the decision-making party. Irrepressible...