Jeanne-ology: A Solid Win

Today is Thursday and Jeanne is back tonight to catch you up with all of her thoughts from the last few weeks. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers! It is snowy day and cold outside. I am sure most of you are tired of this weather and cannot wait for spring to arrive. (Rebecca editing to add: ME. 100% ME.)

My twin sister has been planning to come for a visit, however the first weekend she planned, we had a snow storm. She was planning to try and come again this weekend, but postponed it due to the weather. She is planning to come this following weekend, it is suppose to be warmer next week. I hope the weather forecast is right because it would help me a lot to spend some time with her. (Rebecca editing to add: We lost four business days to snowy weather in February, which is a record for us. And a snow day in March would be unprecedented, so let’s cross our fingers the snow moves on before morning.)

I have tried to work at the pie shop as much as possible. Working keeps my mind busy for the most part. Missing my husband and coming home to an empty house is a big adjustment. Rebecca keeps showing me pictures of adorable puppies for sale. Although tempting, I don't know if I am ready to have a new pup in the house. Also, my dog, Sister, may not accept a new puppy. She is so dedicated to me and our routine that I don't want her to feel there is a new competitor for my attention! (Rebecca editing to add: Personally I feel a a new puppy would be a solid win for her household. That said, I would have five dogs if Jason would agree, so I’m biased.)

I am also doing some re-decorating in my bedroom and kitchen. My kitchen table was purchased when Rebecca was a baby and well over forty years old! The chairs have a jute weave for the seats. I have replaced the seating twice and now they need to be re-woven again. When I sit down, the edge of the table comes up to my chest. I feel like a little kid sitting at a big table. The table legs are wobbly and it is time for the whole set needs to go! So this week I purchased a new dining set and it will be delivered here in three weeks. I was so excited, but now I am feeling guilty about spending money on a new dining set. Rebecca tells me to get over it and that I deserve getting a new dinning set. She is very excited for us both. (Rebecca editing to add: Well, I think there’s an issue that the table is as old as me. Also, I think the biggest problem is the jute weave. 1975 called and wants the chairs back.)

I also bought a new bed and mattress, new ceiling fan and lights for the kitchen. What have I done? I must be out of control! I am very conservative when it comes to buying anything for myself. I gladly can spend money on the grandkids and not think a thing about it. This is a whole new feeling for me. (Rebecca editing to add: Sigh. She’s difficult.)

We have been busy with preparing for pie day coming this Monday. A couple of large corporate orders and making sure that we are over stocked at each store is daunting. Rebecca reminded me today that we spring forward on Sunday. Great, I hate the time change and really do not know why Missouri has it. It will take me two weeks to get adjusted to the new time. With the big event on Monday, we might as well go to work on Saturday and never leave the shop until Monday evening. I feel it will take that much time to get all the pies ready. Maybe, I won't even notice the time change. I will be too tired to notice until Tuesday. Heck, I have enough difficulty remembering what day of the week it is. One day rolls into another. (Rebecca editing to add: True story, she asked me today what day it was. As in, what day of the week is it? I get it though - we work six days a week, so unless it is Sunday, they are all the same.)

So I will keep on rolling into another day and hope to see you on Monday to celebrate Pie Day. (Rebecca editing to add: $3.14 off all dessert pies!)