Jeanne-ology: Email Fox

Well, it’s Monday and I’m going to completely confuse us all by posting last Thursday’s Jeanne-ology post. Jeanne wrote it and then because rural broadband access is a complete nightmare (even in Boone County), I couldn’t upload it. And trust me, she has a lot to say. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday Readers! Well as you may have read, Rebecca announced why we were in Los Angeles during the month of April. Today I learned that some of the local radio stations have been talking about it! The television show, Crime Scene Kitchen, will air on May 26th. I don't think we will be on the first episode, but probably the second show. They did so much filming that I really don't know what will hit the cutting floor and what film they will use. (Rebecca editing to add: I believe we will be introduced on the first episode on the 26th, but our first competition will be on. June 2nd. Also, I just had to edit her text because she listed the start date as May 28th, so someone remind me to tell her that if she plans to watch us…it’s Wednesday, not Friday.)

Will they air the time Rebecca and I couldn't communicate with each other because Rebecca was speaking to me non-stop, so much so that I couldn't comprehend all the information she was throwing my way! She kept saying that she needed words from me and I didn't have any. I was too overwhelmed with all her information! (Rebecca editing to add: Honestly, this is how it goes at PJP Nifong on a daily basis, so I guess if they do air it…then none of our regular customers will be remotely surprised at anything they see.)

We could not see what the other competitors were making. If I could have, I would have cheated! That's terrible, I know, but the pressure was on and not knowing if you chose the right desert to make was a nightmare! (Rebecca editing to add: No joke. Honestly, that was the worst part for me. I hated second guessing ourselves non-stop and worrying about whether we were making something completely different than every other team.)

We were not allowed to interact very much with our competition. Through out the weeks, I did learn that most other teams had been to culinary school. We are excellent bakers, but we are self taught, and we know nothing about non-pie desserts! Although we may not have always known what we were doing, we certainly entertained the judges! The host, Joel McHale, loved Rebecca and her sense of humor. He called her the Rodney Dangerfield of the show. He thinks she needs her own comedy show! Rebecca, of course, thinks he is crazy. Rebecca is funny and the things that come out of her mouth makes me laugh as well as others in our shop. (Rebecca editing to add: The amount of things that we DON’T know is actually astounding. We watched enough YouTube in preparation of filming that we had enough knowledge to be dangerous. And as for the rest, I would argue I am of average comedic value.)

So many food television shows are dedicated to cakes and cupcakes. Rebecca says that you never see a show about making and baking pies and I agree. Someone needs to create a pie show and we will host it. If successful, I will call Rebecca by her new name, Rodney! (Rebecca editing to add: The reign of the cake based shows must come to an end. I hereby propose a series entitled “America’s Worst Pie Bakers”, wherein Jeanne provides feedback and I provide comedic interjections. Everyone email Fox.)

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