Jeanne-ology: Fish Fry?

Well, it’s Thursday and this week has been a whirlwind. I had to work on our mixer table today and that is just about my least favorite job ever because it requires a lot of patience…and for the most part, I’m terribly impatient. I also ruined a whole batch of French Silk, so I guess my skills are rusty and a refresher was probably a good thing. Here’s Jeanne’s take on the week. Enjoy!


Hello Thursday Readers! Another week has passed and it seemed like it went by fast. I wasn't at the shop the past three days due to a stomach bug. I am sure that most of you have experienced this ordeal, hence, no details. Today was the first day I felt human, and back among the living. (Rebecca editing to add: I felt like this week has been interminably long and that also, she had food poisoning but she doesn’t agree because she’s difficult that way. Either way, I still felt bad for her this week.)

Rebecca kept a check on me, however, there is not much anyone could do. She did supply me with Gatorade and that helped a bunch. Telling her that I felt much better today, she sent me a to do list for research on the Internet! It actually felt good to be able to work and I like doing research. A lot of the research involved our coming second store. The architect, builders and the city seem to be wanting information from us and they want it immediately! Being so busy at the shop hinders getting the information needed. I was glad I could help out. (Rebecca editing to add: There is no one in this world better to do a deep dive on the cheapest floor mixer available in the continental United States than Jeanne Plumley. She can never remember how to cut and paste links though.)

On the home front, I was able to accomplish a lot of to-do things that were way past due. Cleaning out the garage, washing the winter coats and storing them away and cleaning the fish tank. My granddaughter asked me a few years ago, would I take her tank and fish on a temporary basis. Rebecca and the family were moving and once moved in, they would pick up the fish and tank. No problem, except my granddaughter decided she didn't want to keep the fish anymore. I soon realized why, fish tanks are a big pain to clean! I have all the tools to help keep it clean, but at some point, nothing but a good washing will do. So on Sunday, that is what I did. On Monday, when I began to feel sick, I didn't pay any attention to anything! Again, my husband was on his own. He did a great job and looked after me. This morning I noticed water in on the floor in front of the fish tank. I mopped it up and assumed it was left over spillage from Sunday. About mid morning, the whole tank started draining itself out on the floor. My husband was screaming to save the fish and I was more concerned stopping the water leakage! To finish the fish story, I went to buy a new tank, while my husband watched over the fish. A lot of clean up, mopping and getting the new tank set up. Did I mention that my husband loves his fish and is so happy to see them in our new and larger fish tank. During this fiasco, I offered to fry up the fish for him and forget about getting a new tank. His response? I didn't know I was married to a murderous woman. End of fish story. (Rebecca editing to add: Seriously the most Jeanne Plumley story I’ve ever read. There wasn’t a single surprising part of that story and it seemed miraculously on brand for her, yet I was completely entertained.)

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