Gallon Goals

Well, to begin with, thanks so much for all the well wishes for Dale and Jeanne. Dale is still in the ICU after having two feet of intestines removed (which, OMG), but will hopefully move to the step down floor tomorrow if all continues to go well. Jeanne took the day off today to monitor her phone and watch Netflix. I have no idea what she is bingeing on now but I promise you it is something I likely wouldn’t pick, considering she favors westerns and British television shows as a rule.

Meanwhile, we plugged away today at PJP. We were exceptionally busy for a Tuesday (thankfully). Here’s a few items of note:

  1. The plumber completed all the work for our soon arriving washer and dryer and today the electrician started his portion of the work needed. In my mind, we would just order a washer and dryer and we would be washing aprons in just a few days. I should know better by now, right? It’s never that easy and here we are, two skilled trades in and several hundred dollars. (Still, we will save money in the long run.)

  2. Yesterday a new pallet of sugar arrived (that’s 2,500 pounds if you aren’t familiar with pallets of sugar, and why would you be?). It took us about four months to use up the last pallet, which is quicker than I guessed it would take. Anyway, guess what the electrician needs moved to finish the work on setting up the electric for the dryer? 2,500 pounds of sugar. Not even kidding.

  3. We have a pallet of flour arriving next week (ironically the same day as the washer/dryer). I didn’t mention that to the electrician.

  4. A link is up to purchase tickets to our February Epic Pie Tasting (Pandemic Style). We are transitioning to an online purchasing platform, rather than everyone rushing to call us. Behind-The-Scenes Jason set it all up and I’m not sad to leave behind a piece of paper wherein we think someone says “Mary” on our cheap phone when that person actually said “Terry”. Anyway, I haven’t announced it on Facebook yet and am giving you all first dibs. Here is the link to sign up.

  5. We ordered a gallon jug of vanilla from our food broker and received a gallon of Worcestershire sauce. And it made me wonder what restaurant buys Worcestershire by the gallon? And how often - annually? Anyway, we have to keep it because there are no returns during Covid. I never thought I would be the owner of a gallon of Worcestershire. Goals.