Jeanne-ology: Add It To My List

Well, it is Thursday and I basically threatened Jeanne if she didn’t send me a post for tonight. I gave the clock side eye at 7:45 tonight because that is very past her bedtime and I had no emails from her in my inbox. And then she texted me at 8:50 to say she sent it. WHAT. Nothing in our world seems to make sense right now, starting with her abnormally late bedtime. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers!

We have busy at PJP, which is great because January is usually slow. However, our sales are up over January of last year and Rebecca and I couldn't be more pleased. (Rebecca editing to add: I think “pleased” is another word for “relieved”.)

Of course, I give credit to Rebecca because she has started a new procedure for the family. Each Sunday we have a meeting. Rebecca, my son-in-law, my grandkids, and myself. We talk about goals and what needs to accomplished. She whips out her pen and begins to make a list for each one of us to do. We have one week to accomplish those goals before we meet again on the next Sunday. I think we are all fearful to show up without having any items accomplished on our list. Her method of establishing goals and delegating who needs to do what has been amazing. (Rebecca editing to add: In my defense, I do cater each to-do list to the specific person’s strengths. Jeanne gets assigned all weird and obscure research projects because she loves nothing more than taking a deep dive into the Internet for some random item.)

Tomorrow we have our January pandemic pie tasting and I think we have come up with some unique flavors. A lot of the tickets sold were to customers that have participated in several pie tastings before. Therefore, we wanted to create some new flavors they haven't been exposed to. Hopefully, some of those flavors will make it into our regular pie schedule. Someone at the shop mentioned making a chocolate bacon pie. Are you kidding? That sounds disgusting. They all said that this flavor is very popular right now and showed me candy bars and such on their phones. It didn't phase me though, and I vetoed the idea. (Rebecca editing to add: I was deep into a telephone tussle with Grubhub for their unauthorized addition of PJP to their website, so I missed all these chocolate bacon shenanigans. Thanks to the distraction caused by all my righteous indignation, Jeanne took the lead on the pie tasting menu. I have no idea what to expect, but I bet it will be worthy of the title epic.)

On the home front news, my husband is coming home tomorrow from rehab. I am excited and fearful at the same time. He will need help and I will stay home for a few days with him. Thankfully, home health will come in a couple days a week to help with physical therapy. Our dog, Sister, will be happy to see him. She knows things have been askew with him being gone. Tomorrow will be a happy day. I told Rebecca not to worry, I will be there for the Sunday meeting and my list completed! I am too scared not to not finish! (Rebecca editing to add: Why didn’t I have this idea five years ago? There would probably be PJPs all over America by now. I’ll be sure to add “find way to open multiple PJPs” on Jeanne’s Sunday list right now.)

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