Not Even Dramatic
We’ve had ourselves a series of highly dramatic days at PJP…and that’s saying a lot since we are generally fairly dramatic just on your most average of days. Several months ago, we submitted a bid response for a large event scheduled for last weekend. We never received a response to that bid, prompting me to drive Jason crazy for the last two weeks while I speculated why this particular organization didn’t choose our bid and if it were possible every hates us. (Dramatic, remember?). And then on Friday afternoon around 4:20, I got a text from the event organizer asking why we were late and when would be be there with 40 pies?
When I tell you that my stomach dropped and I almost threw up over the half wall at PJP Nifong, you best believe it. I ran to the office to review the email chain, all whilst praying that our lack of planning for this event wasn’t our fault. Thankfully it wasn’t, but that didn’t change the fact that 400 people were expecting pie for dessert in 45 minutes. Ellery and I pulled every fruit and nut pie from the shelves at Nifong. Jason was at home with the plumber (remember my Press Zero For Water Emergency problem last week and he didn’t press zero?). So he had to abandon the plumber and his $665 water pressure regulator repairs and drive directly to West to pull all the fruit and nut pies off the shelves there. We rolled into the event really looking like three people trying to figure out how to carry in, slice, and serve 40 pies in less than 30 minutes. I haven’t looked into it formally, but I may hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the fastest pie slicer ever.
And so then we did another hundred pies on Saturday and Sunday and served them all for lunch and dinner, so by Sunday night we all felt like we had lived 100 lives. And I’m 100% not complaining because June is our second slowest month of the year, so it really comes down to whether we want complete and total panic for last minute events or complete and total panic because June is my second least favorite month after January. I’ll take the former. And that’s not even dramatic.