Pie Art

Jeanne was back today at PJP Nifong for longer than she has been any day since her fall and subsequent broken rib earlier this spring. She was especially happy to see Team PJP and Team PJP was super excited to have her back in the kitchen a bit…so much so that I had to fuss at everyone for being overly noisy and silly while we were open for business. I feel like nothing sums up the state of my life right now except to say that I’m shushing my mother and my staff for being goofy at 2 pm in the afternoon.

Here’s what else is going on this week:

  1. Our June Epic Pie Tasting is scheduled for tomorrow and we quickly sold out a fun Father’s Day Epic Pie Tasting event for next weekend. One positive of the pandemic is learning that people LOVE the at-home tasting kits, with most of our tastings selling out in less than 30 minutes. I’m sure we will return to an in-store evening option at some point in the future, but this has been a fun pivot over the last few months.

  2. Behind-The-Scenes Jason and I finally finished the Payroll Protection Program forgiveness paperwork and today I received an email from the bank that said an entirely new set of paperwork was coming from the federal government, so not to turn in the original paperwork. Apparently the new paperwork is much easier to complete. Of course.

  3. I keep forgetting that it is June and half the year has almost escaped us. Of course, this has been the most bizarre six months in human history, so it is no wonder that it could be any month and it would all feel the same at this point. As colleges start to announce they might not return to regular class schedules after Thanksgiving, all I can think is THANKSGIVING.

  4. I’ve been working on analyzing sales data from the first half of the year, specifically focusing on pies that rank low. It begs the question of whether we just don’t make them enough to get their fair shot at a solid sales record…or do people just not really care for them. We are going to lean in hard on some of the outliers (I see you, Egg Custard) over the next few months and see if changes the numbers.

  5. And finally, we have a super cute idea for Father’s Day. Consider pre-ordering a Key Lime or French Silk pie for dad with a Hot Wheels car and a plume of smoke (whipped cream) on top. There’s zero point to this, but pie art is hard to come by and we take our opportunities where we can find them.
