Jeanne-ology: Twin Labor

Well, it’s Thursday and this week has SLAYED ME. It’s a good thing Jeanne is here with Jeanne-ology because I’m all out of words…and that’s rare for me. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday Readers!  Another week has passed so quickly!   All the usual things are happening at PJP and Thanksgiving orders are rolling in at a fast pace.  Please order as soon as you know your plans the holiday.  We hate saying no to late planners or no to someone walking in the week of Thanksgiving assuming they did not need to order ahead. (Rebecca editing to add: Orders have been open for a week and we have a little over 200 orders. That’s a bit above pace over last year.)

Rebecca and the staff had a moment of insanity today and decided to expand our Thanksgiving Preview pie tasting event to include seventy more people than planned.  We usually do thirty tastings at a time, that equals 360 tarts.  (And we sold out the 30 tickets in less than an hour yesterday!). Increasing pie tasting to one hundred people means ONE THOUSAND TARTS!  What was she thinking and why did I agree to go along?  Why did our core staff agree? (Rebecca editing to add: In my defense, it wasn’t my idea but I know a good idea when I hear it, so I didn’t sleep on the prospect of leveraging some ticket sales.)

As soon as Rebecca posted this addition to our Thanksgiving tasting preview on Facebook, our phone began to ring constantly.  I left the shop early afternoon.  The phone was still ringing!  She and I have been known to come up with ideas, but this is really crazy.  I hope she doesn't decide to increase our pie tasting to include another hundred! (Rebecca editing to add: In full disclosure, I did think about all the money we are losing from not doing Roots and Blues this fall and wondered if we could make it up in tasting tickets…)

Some home news for me is that my twin sister is coming this weekend for a visit.  I was surprised, she was coming two weeks ago but has cancelled on the day of her arrival.  I was disappointed for several reasons. I had taken off Friday, the day before her arrival, and cleaned our house from top to bottom.  More than I usually do.  Getting the two guest rooms ready and buying an enormous amount of groceries.  She is bringing one of our high school friends with her and they will arrive about 2 p.m. on Saturday.  The next two days will be taking care of some last minute details.  Rebecca asked me if I would come into the shop before Saturday.  Of course I will!  My house is clean enough and I will grocery shop on Saturday.  Peg once told me that either you run the house of the house will run you.  How true!  They are not coming to see how good a housekeeper I am, they are coming to see me.  I should have remember this two weeks ago before I made myself exhausted checking every nook and cranny for dust! (Rebecca editing to add: Peg did always say that, but she also didn’t clean around her toilet base with a razor blade like some people we know. Ahem.)

Thank goodness they are not coming the week of pie tasting, I would have to put them to work on those one thousand tarts! (Rebecca editing to add: Actually, not a bad idea. I bet we could do 1500 with some extra help…)

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