There’s literally never a dull moment at PJP and just when I think maybe we’ve experienced it all, something else occurs that I never anticipated. Remember our missing rock from PJP West that we’ve been on the look out for over the past week? We might have located it, but you won’t believe the story that leads up to it, so here we go…

Over the past few weeks, we’ve had a visitor that stops by regularly to ask a lot of questions early in the morning. Mainly he wants to know what we do at PJP and if we are hiring. Always the visits are without incident and we answer his questions and he moves along. For whatever reason, he became really agitated last Thursday when he stopped by with his questions. Jason was working in the office when he heard a lot of shouting and so he went to investigate. By the time he arrived up front, the visitor was even more upset and was yelling at Team PJP, plus throwing items off the front counter like PJP stickers and the card readers for the cash registers. The rest of it is a long and stressful story that ends with Jason locking the doors and the guy kicking the glass front door repeatedly until Jason wore out and chased him off.

Obviously, Team PJP was pretty shaken up by the stress of it all. I was thankful that I wasn’t the one at West that day because I probably would have been too scared to chase him off. But I did text the property manager to asks how we access the security guard we are charged several thousand dollars a year for in our annual common area maintenance charges (but have never actually seen). As it turns out, this person had also just visited The Kroenke Group offices and caused the same ruckus by asking questions and refusing to leave. The police were on the way. To wrap up a long story, the person was eventually arrested later that day.

A Team PJP member happened to tell the whole story to a friend of hers and the friend mentioned that she had gone to Orange Theory early one morning last week and this same guy was in standing in the lobby, doing the same harassing line of questions to the front desk person while getting increasingly agitated. But what she really noticed was that he had propped open the door with a rock. A rock described as matching our rock. Not even kidding.

So is it possible he took our rock from PJP West and schlepped it over to Orange Theory to use it as a perfect doorstop? Without a positive identification on our rock, it’s impossible to say…but I’m suspicious. But not suspicious enough to call over to Orange Theory and ask them about the rock and sound like a weirdo. I’ll just keep that for here.

But over at PJP Nifong, we’ve got our own issues. I pulled in this morning to a cryptic message left on a dumpster a few dumpsters down from ours. Dad, I have it. New house. 9:00 pm. HayHays after that until I find you.

I have no idea what that means, of course. But I have a lot of questions, like what is “it”? Or where is HaysHays is located? Or why the person had access to a white marker to graffiti the dumpster, but not the ability to text their dad or maybe just leave a post-it note on the dumpster?