Which Is Cheaper?

Earlier tonight, Jason and I sat down and had a conversation about 96 ounce cans of evaporated milk, so RELATIONSHIP GOALS. Actually, we were working on the math of the per ounce cost of the milk comparative to the normal 12 ounce cans, which sounds simple but it wasn’t at all. All of a sudden, every awful math word problem I worked so hard to avoid in junior high came back after me. As in: “If 96 ounces of evaporated milk left Los Angeles on a train at 5:03 pm and 12 ounces of evaporated milk left New York on a train at 7:09 pm, when do they meet in Missouri and which is cheaper?”

The irony really is that my 6th grade math teacher - Mrs. Hassemer - is a regular visitor to PJP. She probably just sighed reading this.

Here’s what else is going on:

  1. This week I’ve been on the fruit table, the cream table, the whip table, and the front counter. And it’s only Wednesday. Of the three interviews Jason had scheduled yesterday, zero showed up. Good times.

  2. But it’s November, so even if they all had showed up and been perfect candidates, I would probably still be on a table because we have a lot to do and I’m a micromanager.

  3. Jeanne has been working hard on savory pies this week. Today she started yelling and the thing about Jeanne is when she is yelling, it could be about anything. Her yelling today made me wonder if she cut her finger off, but it turns out she simply forgot to add the cheese.

  4. I’m going to round her up this week though and make her help Elle and I decorate both stores for the holidays. By social media standards, we are way behind schedule.

  5. Plus at no point will I need a calculator or my 6th grade math teacher, so holiday decor sounds far more preferable to evaporated milk calculations. Thankfully Jason is the perfect person for Thanksgiving ingredient calculations, so I’ll leave that up to him.