Send Help.

Remember just last week when I was bemoaning all of the painting in my new house of the Nacho Cheese with coats and coats of Sugar Plum? Well, those were the halcyon days.

Because now my new house is a mess and my old house is a mess...and I'm sort of a mess.  A 25 unanswered text message sort of mess.  (And please ignore the 3,588 my defense, I have looked at most of them.  I've even responded to a few.  Hold your applause.)

But I digress.  Is this even a blog about pies any longer?  I need a companion publication entitled "All The Not Baking Pies Stuff" (alternatively titled "SEND HELP").

But, look, I'm going to get it all together if it is the last thing I do.  By Friday, I will have us completely situated in our new house AND I'm going to be certain PJP doesn't miss a beat this week  Please text me if you would like to check on me, but know I won't answer for at least a week (unless you offer booze or help).

So, a few things in the interim,

  1. Slice and Serve Saturday has been planned for Saturday, August 19th.  We will be open 10:30 to 4, serving slices of all your favorites all day long for $3 (tax included).  No need to RSVP or bring a special code.  We will just be there, slicing the one does.
  2. The July Epic Pie Tasting Event for July has sold out.  Thanks for the quick response for tickets!  As usual, we will have the most fun.
  3. We did something nice last week for someone we've never met.  It doesn't matter who it was or what we did, but the thank note we received on Saturday made us all tear up.  I think I'll run for president on the platform of "Can't We All Just Be Nicer To Each Other?  (Damnit.)"
  4. We've been inundated with requests over the past few weeks from all sorts of bloggers and Instagrammers who would like a shipment of Jelly Jars in exchange for a mention on their platform.  Team PJP and I discussed and we would be seriously down with testing some free oven mitts and can openers and posting our opinions.  I'm certain we are the only lurkers of the oven mitt and can opener industries.
  5. I'm still reading Making It in America by John Bassett, but I promised an update...and it is as follows.  LOVE HIM.  He filed an anti-dumping petition against China to end the undercutting of furniture prices by Chinese manufacturers because it made it impossible for America to compete in the marketplace.  Spoiler alert, he wins.  Not much changes in the long run (because production just shifts from China to Vietnam) but he is satisfied on principle and he made a point. Righteous indignation for the win.  I wonder if he would want some Jelly Jars shipped to his office?