If you follow my personal Instagram, you already know that last week I was in Denver with Jason and the kids for a few days. Last October we bought tickets to see Jason Isbell at Red Rocks, so we had been waiting a sweet forever for last week to finally arrive. And then just two weeks ago, Ellery said to me…if we are flying all the way to Denver to see our favorite artist and he’s there for two nights, why are we not going both nights? And never have I been a more proud parent because THAT IS EXACTLY HOW I THINK.

Jason and Hayden opted out of two nights, so when I logged in and found two fourth row tickets available for night one, I snatched those suckers up. If you haven’t been to Red Rocks, please know it is an amazing venue. It is surrounded by massive rocks (red, obvs), so the sound is top notch. What most people don’t tell you is that it is a literal hike straight up a hill with 150 or so stairs. And if you need to go to the bathroom or buy a drink, more stairs. What I’m saying is that short of seeing my family or Jason Isbell, there’s only a few other people in this world that I would even consider hiking into Red Rocks to see. That I did it two nights in a row should tell you how devoted I am to Jason Isbell.

So we had the best time ever in the fourth row and then again the next night in the 16th row. His set list was different both nights but I couldn’t even argue which night was better. As a creative person who can get very stuck in what I do every day, taking me out of my environment and letting me watch someone else’s creativity is imperative. I’m still digesting it all.

Meanwhile back at home, Jeanne’s cellulitis in her face CAME BACK. What the actual heck? Picture me nearing the top of Pike’s Peak while texting with her doctor about a plan of action. An MRI late Friday afternoon revealed a complete bone infection in her foot from the last round of cellulitis. So now we are waiting to be scheduled at Missouri Orthopedic Institute to likely plan rounds of IV antibiotics. I waited all day for a callback from scheduling, but didn’t get one…so if anyone knows anyone at MOI, please send this post over to them. The cellulitis is about to break Jeanne’s emotional health because she can’t get rid of it and it is about to break my patience because she can’t get rid of it. Overall, cellulitis is -10/10. Would not recommend.

Thankfully, Team PJP kept both stores running like none of us were ever needed. We had planned for Jason, the kids, and I to be gone but assumed Jeanne would be in to help. So when she dropped out of rotation, they all worked together to cover her shifts on the fruit table and deal with any unique situations that arose. (If you think unique pie situations are uncommon, then you haven’t been reading here for long.). We couldn’t appreciate each member of Team PJP more.

So now we are back with a big week of orders for MU graduations, plus Mother’s Day. And to wage a war against cellulitis. There’s a sentence I never thought I would type…