Jeanne-ology: I'm Back

Well, it’s Thursday and we were closed for sleet and snow for the THIRD THURSDAY IN A ROW. This has to be the end of it, right? At. any rate, Jeanne is back tonight. from a long blogging hiatus and it was a delight to find in my inbox. Enjoy! Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers! I have not blogged in a very long time and I want to let everyone know how appreciated I am for all your kind thoughts, calls, and notes. after the passing of my husband Dale. The adjustment to not having my husband any longer has been an emotional yo-yo for me. One moment I am fine and within seconds I could cry my eyes out. I know that only time will help the healing process. I just wish time would move a little faster!

I have been working again at the pie shop and that helps me in so many ways. I’m too. busy to remember that my house is empty and quiet. Even Sister, our dog, has a grieving spirit. She is constantly by my side trying to comfort me. I have been sleeping on the couch with her beside me. I cannot bring myself to sleep in our bedroom. We would go to bed every night, cuddle, and watch TV until we fell asleep. I have decided to re-decorate our bedroom, I think that will help me adjust to sleeping in the bedroom again.

My husband always kept me laughing ( e both have a weird sense of humor). We enjoyed woodworking, yard work, and sitting on our patio with some beer and music from the sixties. Life was good. Life is still good and I know that nothing ever stays the same. Rebecca, Jason and my grandkids have been giving me so much support and love. I find myself having dinner at their house more frequently. With just myself, I don't feel the need to cook. Rebecca is constantly monitoring how much food I eat. Having a bowl of cereal as my only meal for the day is not healthy.

I am so thankful that Rebecca and family live across the road from me. Jason is willing to help me with my finances and found some security stuff for my house. Ellery is guiding me with paint colors and decor for my bedroom. My grandson Hayden is always asking me how I am doing and both grandkids are always game for a round of Liverpool rummy! Hopefully spring is coming soon and I still plan to have a drink on the patio and listen to some sixties rock and roll. I think my husband would like that.