National Pi(e) Day 2022

If you’ve been around here for a hot second, then you already know that PJP is the Official Sponsor of the annual Pi(e) Day celebration on March 14th. I tuned out 96% of the information provided to me in high school about 3.14 pi and the calculation of it, so I find it so ironic that now I’m in charge of an epic celebration of an event even loosely related to math. And honestly, who cares about the math…let’s talk about the pie.

As in previous years, we will discount all dessert pies by $3.14. This applies to both the baby and nine-inch size. Right now, we’ve looked at our 2021 numbers and given those a healthy boost to account for our general growth as a company and the addition of PJP West End to the family. While we don’t guarantee what flavors will be available, we are taking our final count and focusing on our most popular flavors. And as always, we don’t allow for any pre-orders in order to keep it fair for everyone. The whole point of Pi(e) Day is just to have fun, seriously.

So what’s new this year?

Three things:

  1. TWO STORES. Gah. We will be a solid month into dual location storefront ownership by the time National Pi(e) Day arrives, so I’m hopeful we have solid footing before our first big event. The goal is to have both stores fully prepared and stocked heavily with everyone’s favorite by 10 am. That way, you’ll shop for whatever your heart desires and without the pressure of running straight to the White Chocolate Strawberry before someone else beats you to it. (Remember that show Supermarket Sweep and people always hauled directly to the large hams in order to boost their final grocery total? Pi(e) Day always feels like to me, minus the hams.)

  2. Thankfully, March 14th is on a Monday this year. Last year it was on a Sunday, which I will argue made the event awkward to celebrate since we couldn’t decide if we should open on Sunday or not. We ultimately celebrated on Saturday the 13th, but it had a subdued vibe. That said, Pi(e) Day 2020 was on the final day before the world imploded with pandemic, which gave it an anxious vibe. So maybe this year we can go for just a regular fun vibe? I hereby petition for National Pi(e) Day to always be on the second Saturday of March. But that doesn’t work with the math thing and this is why math always makes things more difficult.

  3. Honestly, we all know Monday is my least favorite day of the week at PJP because we start with nothing in stock and we have food truck deliveries all day. But since we have a depth chart of 34 employees, we will do some scheduling for Sunday the 13th to do a fair amount of prep work for the next day. And since we’ve accustomed ourselves to the seven day work week with the addition of a second store, we are smooth sailing through calm seas. At any rate, the whole event will be one for the PJP history books, that’s for sure.

So there’s everything you need to know about Pi(e) Day 2022. And the market value of hams.