Jason-ology: No Longer Behind The Scenes
It’s Wednesday and here’s something new…tonight Jason stops by with his thoughts on PJP. I’m certain everyone must tire of my mostly righteously indignant perspective and my general overthinking of most things PJP, so a fresh voice is welcome. Enjoy! Rebecca
Yesterday Rebecca said that I should write a blog post this week. If you are a long-time reader of this blog, you know my original name was Behind-the-Scenes Tech Guru Jason. Since leaving my former role at a large leadership health system, I have settled into the fact that I am no longer “behind the scenes”. Sometimes I still wish I could be, and don’t get me wrong, when a news organization or a journalism student calls for an interview, you can bet that I simply say, “please hold while I connect you” immediately to Rebecca.
In my former careers, I was always front and center for my area in the organization. I can talk about turnover, time-to-fill and about 30 other metrics all day and then head to the next meeting to discuss organizational change and employee engagement. A big distinction is that in large organizations people focus on their area of expertise. I have learned how to not only make the pies, but also how to sell them, streamline the bakery operations, inventory them, manage a supply chain for them and, how to quickly and swiftly move a hot pie from a baking pan to a box without burning myself.
Today, Rebecca and I worked on our Epic Pie Tasting event. Planning the flavors, how we would package them, how do we plan the schedule for baking them, etc. After we sorted out the pie tasting even, it was back to West. When I arrived, I found two people working on our sign outside. I had called a couple of weeks ago because I noticed one night that our northern exterior sign was not illuminating at night. After spending $7,000 on the sign, I knew it was supposed to actually light up so you can see it night. So I made a call a couple of weeks ago. Apparently they decided it was a good day to show up today. After 45 minutes, we learned it was because the building’s exterior light was so close to our sign, that our exterior sign never thought it was getting dark outside. So, after 45 minutes of work, and I’m guessing a $400 bill, we will have our northern sign illuminated tonight.
As an entrepreneur, you are everywhere. Honestly, this has been one of the most difficult, but also most rewarding lessons. Learning the entire function of a business, from end-to-literal end, is fun and never boring. And, it’s also very hard and makes me want to be in bed no later than 9:10p each night.
The fantastic part of all of this is that I get to learn new things and perspectives each day. I am never bored. Ever. I have finally bid adieu to behind-the-scenes tech guru Jason.