Rest Up
My family and I left for vacation this afternoon - in fact, I’m writing this from our car because wifi in the car is everything I hoped 2020 would be. (Yes to automotive wifi. No to pandemics.). But as in all the previous years, leaving PJP for a week always gives me pause…and a heap of anxiety. Though unlike previous years, I really have little justification for my overthinking about my absence. Team PJP is a well oiled machine and Jeanne is more than capable of running PJP without me. She’s not a fan of it, but she never gives herself enough credit for her leadership.
This has been a week at PJP. Here’s a few items of interest:
On Monday, we sold out our July Epic Pie Tasting (Pandemic Style). Not necessarily that interesting, but surprising how a total pivot in the pie tasting model because of the pandemic has become a regular part of our business plan that is an unexpected delight.
On Tuesday, we dropped into the text messages of our Inner Circle Text Club and offered 50% off all sweet and savory pies from 4 pm to 6 pm. We completely cleared out the store and made a lot of people - and our sales - super happy. It was a nice break to some mid-July monotony. (And if you haven’t joined yet, just text “PJP” to 484848.)
We also had our first customer versus customer tussle about mask wearing. In compliance with city ordinance, we have a sign posted that masks are required for entrance. After I left for the day, someone stopped in without a mask and upset a customer wearing a mask. And then the mask wearer was upset with the high school and college aged afternoon staff at PJP for not questioning the non-mask wearer or denying entry to the non-mask wearer. AWESOME.
And on Wednesday, we had our first known theft at PJP. Undoubtedly it has happened before undetected, but the staff watched someone put a baby peach praline in their backpack and walk out. Of course, I wouldn’t want them to confront someone and risk their safety over $8, but it was surprising to me nonetheless. I suppose as we grow and our storefront becomes busier, this sort of thing just becomes part of it.
Finally, now that I think about it, completely weird things have happened this week as soon as I’ve left the store to go home or workout or run an errand. AND NOW I’M GOING HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY. Gulp. I hope Jeanne is rested up.