Jeanne-ology: Truth To All That

Hi There - it’s Thursday and time for Jeanne-ology. Honestly, we are trying a new schedule at PJP this week and so I haven’t seen her since Tuesday. My hunch is that she misses us. Let’s see…Rebecca


Another Thursday and I can get my two cents in! That phrase must be very old because two cents is worth nothing these days. I have been home for the past two days because we are changing up the schedule at the pie shop. I will work on Sunday on things that we never seem have time to do, like pot pies, quiches, and cookies. Mondays are very hard trying to restock our shelves with fresh baked pies. We have not been able to have all the pies boxed before opening because they have to cool down before boxing them and then forget trying to find time to make another round of pot pie! Hopefully, my new schedule will help this problem. (Rebecca editing to add: Truth to all of that. Keeping all items in stock all (or most) of the time has been a struggle as demand has increased. And I’m the first to get super stabby when we run out of pot pie, so she’s probably just trying to avoid me being a grouch.)

I don't mind working on Sunday because with no one there I can focus and do a lot of prep work. I have always been able to be more productive when I am alone. No music, no one asking me questions, no stopping one project to help out with another. (Rebecca editing to add: Truth to all of that. She loves working alone. If I’m there alone, I listen to music or a podcast. She just works in complete silence. So weird to me.)

Yesterday, I did a complete house cleaning. It had been a while and our bathroom looked like some sort of questionable road side gas station bathroom! Toothpaste that had spilled in the sink, a soapy film on the shower door, and dog hair on the floor collecting in the corners! I put on my cleaning tool belt and sighed before I started. I armed myself with my razor blades, bleach, toilet brush, broom and a mop. My husband said he would just clean the toilet and the rest of the bathroom looked fine. (Have I mentioned that he can’t see very well?) At the end of the day, I felt accomplished. (Rebecca editing to add: Truth to all of that. I know you might think the cleaning tool belt might be a dramatic interpretation of the truth, but IT ISN’T.)

Today was different. My husband had some doctor appointments back-to-back and he wanted to know if I would like to come along? I don't know what he had been smoking, but I would have to be committed to a mental ward if I went along. He drives EXTREMELY slow and I don't think I could survive my heart beating so fast from anxiety. I need to focus on doing some filing and other office work, I said. To keep myself honest, I did work in the office and got a lot of papers filed away. However, my the middle of the afternoon, I began to feel restless. I missed the pie shop and all the crazy stuff that goes on! I missed hearing our customers and the small chatter among our staff. Work is good and if I am not busy, my thoughts can wander places I don't need to go. (Rebecca editing to add: Truth to all of that. He drives SUPER SLOW and she get gets super grouchy. Plus, she does better with routine even though she fancies herself a non-routine person.)

Probably tomorrow I will be thinking what in the world have Rebecca and I got ourselves into! At least I can come home to a clean house, a devoted dog and a good husband. Rebecca editing to add: Truth to all of that. She hasn’t seen the order board for tomorrow. Gulp.)

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